ENAE 788X - Fall, 2014
Lecture #01
Course Overview/Term Projects

  Space Systems Laboratory - Department of Aerospace Engineering - University of Maryland

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Lecture Notes

Lecture slides (PDF; 6.2 Mb, 68 pgs.)

Lecture Videos

RHEA Mobility in Craters (Moon) - pg. 21 [MOV: 323 Mb]

RHEA Mobility in Sand (Mars) - pg. 22 [MOV: 172 Mb]

RHEA Mobility in Rocks (Mars) - pg. 23 [MOV: 229 Mb]

MSL Mission Overview - pg. 42 [MOV: 22 Mb]

ARES Half-Scale Dropped from 100Kft - pg. 46 [MOV: 16 Mb]

Chariot B Climbs a Boulder Field - pg. 60 [MOV: 139 Mb]

Serpentine Mobility - pg. 64 [MOV: 12 Mb]

Serpentine Climbing and Grasping - pg. 65 [MOV: 12 Mb]

Tetwalker (GSFC) - pg. 66 [MOV: 4.24 Mb]

Supplemental Notes

Textbook References

Website References