Space Systems Laboratory
2011 Events - Photo Archives

  Space Systems Laboratory - Department of Aerospace Engineering - University of Maryland

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Sept. 27, 2011
 AIAA Space 2011 exhibits  
Sept. 23, 2011
 Fox 45 News broadcasts from the SSL at 0-dark-30  
September 11-12, 2011
 Desert RATS 2011  
Aug. 22-Sept. 1, 2011
 HASP balloon flight  
August 11, 2011
 Utah State University rover  
August 9-10, 2011
 Robots and space suits at NASA Ames  
June 13-17, 2011
 UMd team at the NASA X-Hab competition
    Day 1 - Unpacking and test inflation on the work pallet
    Day 2 - Installation on the NASA HDU and first inflation on the HDU
    Day 3 - Inflation #2, inflation judging, inflation #3 and interior installation
    Day 4 - Inflation #4, interior installation and open house
    Day 5 - Inflation #5 and deflation judging, tours of mockups, NBL, and Saturn V, and packing
 NASA Johnson Space Center, TX
June 6-8, 2011
 RASC-AL 2011 Space Design Competition
    UMd teams at the RASC-AL Space Design competition
    Tour of the Kennedy Space Center

 Cocoa Beach, FL
May 23-25, 2011
 UMd team at the RASC-AL RoboOps competition
    Day 1 - Set-up and trial runs on the JSC Rockyard
    Day 2 - First set of official runs
    Day 3 - Final team runs and awards ceremony
 NASA Johnson Space Center, TX
April 30, 2011
 Space Systems Laboratory activities at Maryland Day 2011
March 21-25, 2011
 UMd/ASU Desert FLEAS Field Testing
    Day 1 - Check-out at ASU
    Day 2 - Check-out at ASU
    Day 3 - Travel to Warford Ranch, set-up, and check-out
    Day 4 - Geological science EVAs with RAVEN rover
    Day 5 - Rover control tests and night EVA
 Tempe and Gila Bend, AZ
Jan. 17, 2011
 NS-6 Flight Competition Review/NS-7 Kick-off Meeting
 Albuquerque, NM