ENAE 483/788D - Fall, 2024
 Principles of Space Vehicle Design
 Course Syllabus and Announcements

  Space Systems Laboratory - Department of Aerospace Engineering - University of Maryland


Notes and Announcements

 241030 – I'm going to switch things around, at least for the next few classes. I'm going to be posting recordings of the lectures (and you are going to be responsible for lecture material in homework problems and on the final exam), but I'm "flipping" the course to devote all the class time to the team projects. For tomorrow and next Tuesday, you're going to be in Team Project 1 groups, and Dr. Limparis and/or Nick Bolatto will be in class to answer any questions you may have on the requirements and expectations for the submission next Tuesday. After that we're going to meet in 484 project teams, although there may be an occasional lecture here and there between now and the end of the term. What this means is that it's important that everybody shows up on each team so you can collaborate during this time, so please spread the word for everyone to actually come to class tomorrow and from here on out. Thanks!

 241029 – The Crew Systems homework is here. I know it looks like things are stacking up at the end of the course, but I made this one really short and straightforward – I don't think it will take you more than an hour to do.

 241022 – Due to circumstances beyond my pay grade, there will be no lecture in ENAE 483 today. I strongly advise you to take this opportunity to continue to work on Team Project 1 – in fact, there are all those nice team tables in our normal classroom feel free to work there! I'll see you back in class on Thursday.

 241007 – The solutions for homeworks 5-7 were posted earlier today on ELMS and are now posted here – go to the web page for each lecture on this site, and reload the PDF for the problem; it will now include the solutions.

 241005 – To give you an idea of how I write midterm exams, an example (with solutions) can be downloaded here. Some notes about this exam: it was goven during remote classes in COVID times, so ignore the header instructions, your midterm will be in class (unless you have accommodations and choose to take it in their office.) Also, since I no longer hve a lecture on orbital mechanics, you won't see a problem like (1) on your exam.

                Your exam will be on everything in class through (and including) Lecture #08 and Lecture #11, and the majority of it will be based on the homework problems for Lectures #02-#07. You should bring writing implements and a calculator, but you may NOT use a calculator app on your phone or anything else which is internet-enabled. There will be significant calculations on the exam and you will lose a significant number of points if you forget to bring your calculator (and NO calculator sharing!). When you come to class on Thursday, spread out - there should be only 4 people per table. No books, no comprehensive notes, but you have have one 8.5" x 11" piece of paper for notes and formulas (both sides okay).

 241001 – The solutions are posted for homeworks for lectures 2-4 – go to the web page for each lecture on this site, and reload the PDF for the problem; it will now include the solutions.

 240926 – The detailed write-up for Team Problem 1 can be downloaded here.

 240919 – Due to popular demand in class today, the due date for homework for lectures 2–4 has been extended until Monday, 9/23.

 240829 – The homework for Lecture #01 is linked at the bottom of the splash page for that lecture. (All of the homework sets will be found linked to their specific lecture on this site.) It shouldn't take you more than a few minutes.


Course Schedule



 Aug. 27 (#01)   PROJ/Course Syllabus; Project Introduction
 Aug. 29 (#02)   SYS/Rocket Performance
 Sept. 3 (#03)  SYS/Systems Analysis
 Lecture 1 homework due
 Sept. 5 (#04)  SYS/Systems Engineering
 Sept. 10 (#05)  SYS/Space Environment
 Sept. 12 (#06)  SYS/Reliability, Redundancy, and Resiliency
 Sept. 17 (#07)  SYS/Cost Estimation and Engineering Economics
 Sept. 19 (#08)  SYS/Mass Estimating Relations
 Lectures 2-4 homework (due Mon 9/23)
 Sept. 24 (#09)  PROJ/Term Project Planning
 Sept. 26 (#10)

 PROJ/Solid Modeling/Computer Aided Design

 484 Preference Survey due (Due Fri 9/27)
 Oct. 1 (#11)  SYS/Engineering Graphics
 Lectures 5-7 homeworks due
 Oct. 3 (#12)  CS/Aerospace Physiology
 Oct. 8 (#13)  CS/Radiation
 Oct. 10 (#14)  Midterm Exam
 Oct. 15 (#15)  CS/Habitability 1
 Oct. 17 (#16)  CS/Habitability 2
 PROJ/ENAE 484 Planning
 Team Project 1, Section 1 due Sun 10/20 11:59pm
 Oct. 22 (#17)  PROJ/Work on Team Project 1 – No class today
 Oct. 24 (#18)  CS/Life Support Systems
 Oct. 29 (#19)  AFSS/Space Communications
 PROJ/ENAE 484 Planning Updates
 Oct. 31 (#20)  AFSS/Space Navigation and Guidance
 Nov. 5 (#21)  AFSS/Avionics System Design
 Team Project 1, Sections 2&3 due Tuesday 11/5 11:59pm
 Nov. 7 (#22)  PPT/Space Power Systems Design
 Crew Systems homework due
 Nov. 12 (#23)  PPT/Space Propulsion System Design
 AFSS homework due
 Nov. 14 (#24)  PPT/Thermal Analysis and Design
 Team Project 1 peer reviews due
 Nov. 19 (#25)  LSM/Spaceflight Structural Analysis
 Nov. 21 (#26)  LSM/Structural Design
 PPT homework due
 Nov. 26 (#27)  LSM/Structural Design Case Studies
 Nov. 28  Thanksgiving Break
 Dec. 3 (#28)  PROJ/Extravehicular Activity Systems
 Dec. 5 (#29)  PROJ/Space Robotics
 LSM homework due


AFSS/Avionics, Flight Software, and Simulation

CS/Crew Systems and Habitability

LSM/Loads, Structures, and Mechanisms

MPA/Mission Planning & Analysis

PPT/Power, Propulsion, and Thermal

PROJ/Term Project-Related

SYS/Systems Analysis and Engineering