ENAE 791 – Spring, 2024
Space Launch and Entry Vehicle Design
Syllabus, Announcements, and Lecture Slides

  Space Systems Laboratory - Department of Aerospace Engineering - University of Maryland


Notes and Announcements

 240416 – I had a medical procedure this morning that ran long, so I didn't have time to finish today's lecture. Rather than winging it (even more so than normal) I will make this into an asynchronous lecture but there won't be a live lecture today. There also won't be a lecture on Thursday due to a field test at NASA, so use the class times this week to work on your term projects. Next week will be live plus one or more taped lectures to make up for some of the ones I've missed.

 240402 – Due to a doctor's appointment and a trip to the eclipse, there will be no in-class lectures this Thursday 4/4 or next Tuesday 4/9. Use the time to work on your term projects.

 240307 – So I'm not sure what is happening with the second homework, but I think we've extracted what knowledge we can from it - please turn in whatever you have (there is a Gradescope for it) and I'm going to go over what everyone did and figure out what's going on. Sorry for the confusion.

 240220 – There is (or at least should be) a Gradescope site for submitting the first homework linked on the ELMS page



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 Jan. 25 (#01)  Course Overview
 [PDF: 32 Mb, 78 pgs]
 Jan. 30 (#02)  Orbital Mechanics
 [PDF: 3.4 Mb, 52 pgs]
 Feb. 1 (#03)  Rocket Performance
 [PDF: 3.3 Mb, 57 pgs.]
 Feb. 6 (#04)  Orbital Decay/Ballistic Entry
 [PDF: 7.1 Mb, 44 pgs]
 Feb. 8 (#05)  Ballistic Entry/Lifting Entry
 [PDF: 4.8 Mb, 57 pgs]
 Problem Set 1 handed out (due 2/20/24)
 Feb. 10 (#06)  Entry Aerodynamics
[PDF: 6.8 Mb, 30 pgs]
 Feb. 15 (#07)  Applications of Entry Analysis
 [PDF: 9.3 Mb, 27 pgs]
 Feb. 20 (#08)  Entry, Descent, and Landing Case Studies
 [PDF: 19.7 Mb, 119 pgs]
 Problem Set 2 handed out (due 2/29/24)
 Feb. 22 (#09)  Entry, Descent, and Landing Case Studies
 [PDF: 19.7 Mb, 119 pgs]
 Feb. 27 (#10)  Mass Estimating Relations
 [PDF: 3.4 Mb, 45 pgs]
 Feb. 29 (#11)

 Cost Estimation and Engineering Economics
 [PDF: 6.4 Mb, 60 pgs]

 March 5 (#12)

 Reliability, Redundancy, and Resiliency (continued)
 [PDF: 1.3 Mb, 47 pgs]

 Problem Set 2 due (or not)
 March 7 (#13)  Launch Failures
 [PDF: 2.7 Mb, 36 pgs]
 Problem Set 3 handed out (due 3/14/24)
 March 12 (#14)  Parashield Case Study
 [PDF: 5.9 Mb, 82 pgs]
 March 14 (#15)  Term Projects
 [PDF: 4.4 Mb, 8 pgs]
 March 19  Spring Break
 March 21  Spring Break

 March 26 (#16)

 Entry Aerothermodynamics
 [PDF: 7.8 Mb; 75 pgs.]
 March 28 (#17)  Aerothermodynamics 2
 [PDF: 3.1 Mb; 36 pgs.]
 April 2 (#18)  Sounding Rocket Trajectories
 [PDF: 0.4 Mb, 12 pgs.]
 April 4 (#19)  No class – work on term projects
 April 9 (#20)  No class – work on term projects
 April 11 (#21)  Launch Facilities
 [PDF: 18.3 Mb, 105 pgs]
 April 16 (#22)  No class – work on term projects
 April 18 (#23)  No class – work on term projects
 April 23 (#24)  Launch Vehicle Performance and Systems
 [PDF: 5.1 Mb, 69 pgs]
 April 25 (#25)  Launch Vehicle Structures
 [PDF: 6.1 Mb, 65 pgs]
 April 30 (#26)  Gravity Turns and Velocity Losses
 [PDF: 5.4 Mb, 13 pgs]
 May 2 (#27)  Vehicle Reusability
 [PDF: 4.1 Mb, 65 pgs]
 May 7 (#28)  Implications of Future Technologies
: 4.7 Mb, 54 pgs.]
 May 9 (#29)  Launch Abort Systems (and Launch Planar State Equations)
 [PDF: 2.5 Mb, 44 pgs.]