ENAE 484
Space Systems Design
Spring, 2003
Faculty Information and Grading Policy
Dr. David L. Akin
Neutral Buoyancy Research Facility
Room 2100D
Phone: x5-1138
Email: dakin@ssl.umd.edu |
Dr. Mary L. Bowden
Engineering Classroom Building
Room 3146
Phone: x5-0011
Email: maryb@ssl.umd.edu |
Grading Policy
Your basic grade in this class will be determined by the following:
- 10% Grade of specialty group on trade study review
- 10% Grade on individual oral presentations during Preliminary
Design Review
- 10% Grade on written contributions to the Draft Report
- 25% Grade on individual oral presentations during Critical
Design Review
- 35% Grade on written contributions to the Final Report
- 10% Overall project grade of your specialty group
Grades will be assigned based on an absolute set of expectations,
based primarily on technical content, but also including level
of effort, attention to detail, and other factors expected in
a professional contribution. As a rule of thumb, the following
scale will indicate the type of grade assigned:
- A - Careful, insightful technical analysis, exceptional
detail and/or scope, significant contributions to the project.
- B - Solid technical analysis, good work but missing
some implications or extensions.
- C - Decent technical analysis, limited scope, lack
of understanding of implications.
- D - Inaccurate technical analysis, contributions obviously
done at last minute or without critical thought.
- F - Egregious example of minimal effort and attempts
to hand-wave through the course.
The basic grade is then adjusted, based on intangible factors
such as peer reviews, class participation, level of effort, support
for (or hindrance of) others in the group, etc. This adjustment
factor can increase or reduce your basic grade up to one letter