ENAE 484
Space Systems Design
Spring, 2003
Course Organization
This class is organized into a matrix structure,
in that groups of students are assigned to a technical specialty.
Prior to the start of class, all students will be asked to list
their preferred class assignments, in priority order. To help
you make an informed decision, here are brief descriptions of
what each group will be responsible for:
Systems Integration
- Team coordination and synthesis
- Program management (timelines)
- Vehicle-level trade studies (e.g., configuration,
systems trades)
- Configuration management
- Budget management and tracking (mass, power,
- Mass properties (mass list and CG calculations)
Mission Planning and Analysis
- Trajectory analysis
- Flight vehicle performance
- Reference mission development
- Science planning
Loads, Structures, and Mechanisms
- Analysis of loads sources
- Structural configuration trade studies
- Materials selection
- Structural analysis
- Mechanism design
- Tracking of structural margins
Power, Propulsion, and Thermal
- Power generation
- Primary propulsion systems
- Secondary propulsion systems (e.g., attitude
- Thermal analysis
- Data management
- Guidance, Navigation, and Control
- Communications
Life Support and Human Factors
- Internal layout
- Life support system design
- EVA accommodation
If you want a more detailed overview of what
each group will be responsible for, you should also check out
the Work Breakdown Structure for this